Acorn Community Care


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 How to get involved and support Acorn Community Care


 At Acorn we are grateful for every penny we receive be that from a cash donation or from people joining in with one of our fundraising activities via our ‘Friends of Acorn’ Facebook group. We also receive practical donations of goods such as wood (vital for our wood working workshop), Horseshoes (again for our metal workshop), seeds and plants for the garden project, even down to a good old-fashioned watering can!

Everything can be used in some way at Acorn and the people that attend our day service love nothing better than to get in the pick-up truck and go and collect some free topsoil or a wheelbarrow that someone has kindly donated.


In our wood workshop, we make an array of products from birdhouses to shepherd huts.  We use as much recycled and donated wood as we can and therefore we need a regular supply of good wood. If you have any wood that you want to get rid of and think we could use then please email [email protected] and we can discuss and arrange collection/drop off.


Always a busy place, the metal workshop uses an awful lot of horseshoes in the many items that are created in the workshop. We are lucky enough to have horseshoes donated by local farriers, but we are always happy to receive donations of scrap metal and of course more horseshoes!  If you have any metal items, welding equipment or safety gear that you think we could use then please email [email protected] and we can discuss and arrange collection/drop off.


During the next year we are planning a number of projects to increase the number of activities we can offer to the people we support at our day service whilst at the same time generating additional income for the charity. In winter, work on the farm decreases and we want to be able to offer more workshop activities such as creating our own brand of Acorn gifts. You could help us achieve this aim by making a donation and by buying some of the lovely items from our Online shop (planned 2023).


If you would like to donate something to help with the care of the animals then you can donate towards specific items such as feed bags/bedding/fencing/veterinary costs etc.  These items are listed in the online shop and are mentioned in the farm animal section.


At the moment we are part of The Amazon Smile scheme, where Amazon donate to us when you shop at their online store.  To find out more about this please click on the link.


You can read more about our fundraising events on our events section.

If you wish to make a regular donation by direct debit that would be really helpful for us. Please contact our office; [email protected] for more information.

Would you like to do your own event to raise funds for Acorn then please email our admin team for more information: [email protected] or visit our Facebook group – ‘Friends of Acorn Community Care’


Acorn Community Care is a vital part of our local community.  It is completely unique with the sorts of activities it provides in the beautiful setting of Whinflower Hall.  Most importantly, the people we provide support to are happy and safe here but they also have the opportunity to try new activities that they would not often have a chance to try.  We have had many success stories like one of our adults who had never used a screwdriver before and within a few days had made a bird house which he took home to his thrilled Mum!

It is vitally important that Acorn Community Care can not only continue to provide these services but can also expand so that more people can enjoy these facilities and our support.  You could help with our continued growth by leaving Acorn Community Care a gift in your will. All such gifts would be very gratefully received. If you would like to discuss this and/or leave a gift to us in your will please contact us by emailing; [email protected].